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Power BI – Dax Online Training

Dax In Power Bi

Duration: 3 Days

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Learn DAX : Data Analysis Expression

DAX is a Formula language written to a Pivot table.

DAX, has more than 200 function and counting. The rich DAX formula language includes libraries of incredible capabilities to perform computational gymnastics on your data and create powerful analytical data models.

DAX Language

The strength of Power Pivot comes from the DAX Language that can be used effectively on the Data Model to perform calculations on the data in the data tables. You can have Calculated Columns and Calculated Fields ( Measures )defined by DAX that can be used in the Power PivotTables and Power PivotCharts.

We start right from the Basics of DAX, understanding FILTER CONTEXT, CURRENT ROW CONTEXT, CONTEXT Transition, ALL, FILTER, RELATEDTABLE, CALCULATE, EARLIER, Relationships and much more.

How to Evaluate a DAX statement under different scenario’s, depending on your Data Model.

In the last phase of this course, you will learn about Time Intelligence and Date Tables. We will look at expressions such as TOTALYTD, SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR, DATESADD, DATESBETWEEN, CALENDERAUTO, and we will explore how many of these functions work using CALCULATE


Let’s take an example: Calculating the Sales for a Given Year, and to compare it with the Previous Year, on the basis of a Slicer.

This Advanced Excel Course will empower the participants to be able to do the following:

  1. Performing complex calculations more efficiently, using various Excel functions.
  2. Organizing and analyzing large volumes of data.
  3. Creating MIS reports.
  4. Designing and using templates.
  5. Consolidating and managing data from multiple workbooks.
Dax In Power Bi Course Module 1: Data Modelling
  • Introduction to Data Models
  • Normalization and Denormalization
  • Star Schemas:
  • Over Denormalization
Dax In Power Bi Course Module 2: DAX Language
  • Introduction to DAX
  • Calculated Columns and Calculated Fields (Measures) 
  • DAX Error Handling
  • Overview of DAX Functions
  • RELATED and RELATEDTABLE functions
  • FILTER and ALL functions
  • CALCULATE function
  • Visual Totals and ALLSELECTED
Dax In Power Bi Course Module 3: Basic Time Intelligence
  • What is Time Intelligence:
  • Calendar Table:
  • Counting Working Days
  • Multiple Calendar Tables
  • Aggregations Over Time
Dax In Power Bi Course Module 4: Creating Reports and KPI
  • Using KPI in Power Pivot
  • Advanced Excel Features for Power Pivot
Dax In Power Bi Course Module 5: Advanced DAX Concepts
  • Important DAX Concepts
  • Filter Context
  • CALCULATE Row Context
  • Evaluation Contexts and Relationships
  • Context Transition ALLSELECTED
Dax In Power Bi Course Module 6: Advanced DAX Functions
  • Advanced DAX Functions and Patterns
  • Semi Additive Measures
  • Event in Progress

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