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Python Training in Mumbai

Python Course In Mumbai

What Is Python?

Python is a simple, easy to learn syntax friendly scripting language.  Python language is open source and supports concepts of modules and packages, which encourages code reusability.

Why learn Python with It Corporate Training?

  • We are on of the best Python training institute providing you with concepts of Python programming language ranging from beginners to advanced levels.
  • Python training course is blended with hands-on Python course assignments to ensure that participants gain practical experience towards Python programming.
  • In this course one can understand the essential concepts of Python programming such as data types, Data Structures, tuples, lists, dictionaries, basic operators and functions.
  • Other topics like GUIs, Exceptions, Regular Expressions, Lambda expressions and many more are also covered.

Why Python is gaining more popularity

  • Its simplicity and conciseness make it perfect for beginners.
  • It has a large community that continuously contributes to its development.
  • Because of the highly demand-supply ratio, it provides brilliant career opportunities.
  • Python has a number of frameworks to make web development comparatively easy.
  • Python is also widely used language for Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.

Who should learn python?

We provide Python corporate training in Mumbai that is well suited and useful for the participants at all levels of experience, by creating an increase in demand for skilled engineers, analysts and data scientists. This course is best suited for

  • Web Developers
  • Software Engineers
  • Big Data Professionals
  • Research Analysts
  • Data Scientists
  • IT Developers

Where Python is mostly used?

Python programing language can be used to develop different applications like GUI based applications, web applications, software development application, network programming, scientific and numeric applications, Games and 3D applications and other business applications.

Five Fun Facts about Python:

  • According to the Data Science skills study 2018, conducted by Analytics India Magazine, the most used language for data scientists in today’s era is Python, as almost 44% of the professionals use it the most.
  • According to the list of top programing languages 2018 published by  IEEE(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers),python came to be on top overall.
  • Number of tech giants like Google, Pinterest, Yahoo, Instagram, IBM, Disney, Nokia, Netflix, Amazon and more are using python for various applications.
  • Stack Overflow’s 2018 developer survey found Python is the most preferred programming language that people want to learn.
  • Python replaced Java as the second-most well-known programming language on GitHub, with 40 percent more requests opened for the current year than last.

Our Python classes will empower the participants with the following:

  1.  Understand the importance of Python as a useful scripting language for developers.
  2.  Become proficient in fundamentals of writing Python scripts.
  3.  Learn core Python scripting elements such as variables and flow control structures.
  4.  Make use of loops and decision making statements in Python.
  5.  Using lists, tuples, and dictionaries in Python programs.
  6.  Learn to identify object types in Python.
  7.  Use Slicing and Indexing of literal collections to access data in Python programs.
  8.  Use built-in and user-defined functions in Python. 
  9.  Use text files to read and write data in Python.
  10.  Be able to design a desktop application using database connectivity with GUI module in python.
  11.  Learn object‐oriented concepts in Python.
  12. Learn how to use class inheritance in Python for reusability.

Python Programming Course Module 1: Introduction to Python

  • Python Introduction
  • Environment Setup
  • Basic Syntax

Python Programming Course Module 2: Fundamental Concepts

  • print Statement
  • Variable Types
  • Tokens & Comments
  • Literals
  • Basic Operators
  • Use of tabs and white spaces as indent
  • Decision Making Statements
  • Loops & Nested Loops
  • Jump Statements

Python Programming Course Module 3: Data Structures

  • Strings
  • Lists
  • Tuples
  • Dictionary
  • Looping Techniques

Python Programming Course Module 4: Built-In Functions

  • Date & Time Functions
  • Number Functions
  • String Functions

Python Programming Course Module 5: User Defined Functions

  • General syntax
  • Defining A Function
  • Invoking A Function
  • return Statement
  • Argument & Parameter
  • Anonymous Function
  • Scope Of Variables

Python Training Module 6: File I/O Operations

  • User input
  • read-write operation on a text file
  • Attributes of a file

Python Training Module 7: Regular Expressions

  • Basics of Regular Expressions
  • Patterns
  • Programs on Regular Expression

Python Training Module 8: Advanced Topics

  • Modules
  • Directory & File Management
  • Canva Programming
  • Classes/Objects
  • Accessing Database

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